Our tailor-made solutions, enable you to choose the program that is right for you and your people. We can mix and match objectives and topics, methods, location and program length, and number of participants to perfectly suit you.


What kind of problems can we solve?

The greatest challenge in the business these days is the lack of dedication, motivation and involvement. The World, our Country, market, companies, people of all generations are in the change. Comprehensive and flexible leadership is the key to increase employee involvement which, in turn, translates into better hard business results.


Our People management and Leadership solutions:

   〉  Leadership competencies:

   › Analysis of leader potential

   › How to be a leader

   〉  People Management:

   › Effective manager

   › Motivation

   › Goals setting

   › Delegation

   › Feedback giving

   › Performance appraisal

   › Difficult conversations 

   › Coaching for managers

   〉  Individual coaching for managers:

   › Executive coaching

   › Managers, HiPo


   〉  Diversity:

   › Developing involvement culture in the organization

   〉  Inspirational speeches

   › Winning Teams

   › Team cooperation

   › Team management

   〉  Change management

   › Strategic conferences

   › Communicating strategic change

   › „Me“ in the change

   › Engaging and supporting employees in the course of the change

   › Get up – experiential learning workshop



What kind of problems can we solve?

There are 2 sides of the coin.

There are thousands of sales and negotiations conducted within a business and personal life at the same time – salesmen, buyers, project managers and management staff, office people, marketing specialists, customer service specialists – they all do selling and negotiate.

Sales and Negotiation ranks among the most important methods of reaching a business decision. The ability to reach an agreement is important whenever people confront their values, views, needs, expectations, and share their resources or coordinate operations.

Our Sales and Negotiation solutions:

A. We love Selling

   〉  The development of Sales competencies:

   ›  The analysis of sales potential

   〉  Sales skills development programs

   › Selling skills – fundamental training

   ›  Selling skills – mastering training

   › Sales presentations

   〉  The power of Influence

   〉  Assertiveness in sales

   〉  Inspirational sales speeches 


B. Let`s challenge ourselves at Negotiations

The development of Negotiation competencies:

   〉  The analysis of negotiation potential

   〉  Negotiation skills development programs

   › for sales departments

   › for purchasing departments

   〉  Business negotiations – fundamental training

   〉  Business negotiations – mastering training

   〉  Conflict management and mediation

   〉  Inspirational negotiation speeches


What kind of problems can we solve?

Every company wants to make the customer feel like the Centre of the world, but not many of them actually went ahead and did it.

Perhaps you want to increase sales of a particular product line, build more repeat business or cement your relationships with top clients.

The key to achieving these goals may be a client loyalty program. Here’s a summary of common customer marketing problems and a bird’s eye view of the loyalty programs that we can help you to overcome them.

Problem 1: Your clients want additional products and services, but you are unsure of their needs and interests.

Problem 2: Your client retention rate is declining because of increased competition.

Problem 3: Your best clients contribute a large share of your profits, and you fear they could be lured away.

Problem 4: You are trying to meet sales or profitability goals for a particular time period.

Problem 5: You’re worried that you might lose clients who look elsewhere for a better deal.

Problem 6: Your clients want to work with someone who is active in their community.


Our Customer loyalty solutions:

   〉  Building Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty culture

   〉  Client service – Fundamental program

   〉  Customer Service Management

   〉  Excellence in Customer Service

   〉  The Customer Complaint System: A Tool for Customer Service Improvement



What kind of problems can we solve?

Leadership coaching is needed today more than ever as a contemporary tool for organizational change. Change is essential for organizations to grow and adapt to today’s rapidly shifting marketplace, yet people and organizations are naturally resistant to change.

Leadership coaching can facilitate productive change in persons, teams, and systems by enabling leaders, managers, and employees to uncover potential that might otherwise go untapped.

At the same time, some organizations realize that the traditional hierarchical model of leading and influencing is no longer optimal to succeed in today’s complex and dynamic marketplace.

The ability to coach leaders is a core competency for those helping organizations to develop. Through coaching, leaders learn how to optimize the value of teams and organizations. Leadership coaching helps clarify vision, beliefs, and values, and stretches the capacity to lead and influence. Leaders then become catalysts for change within their organizations.


 Our Coaching solutions:

   〉  Coaching to Create Breakthroughs

   〉  Leadership coaching

   〉  Coaching Teams and Groups

   〉  Individual coaching


What kind of problems can we solve?

We work with people who face challenges such as time pressure and work overload. We tell them how they can deal with every-day stress, or stress caused by the perspective of public speaking in front of clients, colleagues or a large audience. We help to instil the sense of responsibility in every employee, and to find the appropriate motivational perspective in order to accomplish established goals.

Our Personal effectiveness solutions:

   〉  Presentation skills

   › Fundamental program

   › Advance program

   〉  Effective business meetings

   〉  Innovative thinking

   〉  Outside the box – a practical workshop on creativity

   〉  Emotional intelligence

   〉  General Assertiveness

   〉  Project management

   〉  Problem solving and decision making

   〉  “Me” beyond stress

   〉  Inspirational speeches 




To ensure the concepts and skills introduced in our programs are duly transferred to the workplace, we are ready to incorporate an „action plan“ section at the end of any training program. This section will constitute an integral part of the training and will be completed by the participants before the closing of the program.

If requested by the client, our consultants also stands ready to design a follow-up training session and/or consult with the client to try to expedite the transfer of learning and to deal with any post-training issues which may impact the business.


Individualized Training Programs (ITP) represent concentrated, practical, one-to-one coaching sessions, with individuals receiving the full-time attention of specialized and experienced consultants.

Cteam Talent Management has conducted many such programs, which were specifically designed for individual participants. The subjects covered were based on the specific needs of each participant. The programs usually comprise briefings by our Senior Consultants, reviews of manuals, reports and other data, as well as supervised exercises and structured discussions. ITPs may last from one week to three months, depending on individual and organizational needs, and may be conducted in Bulgarian or English.

Please submit your request for Individualized Training Programs (ITPs) training proposal today, or give as a call for more detailed information.


